3 months on....

2012 December 19

Created by Gemma 11 years ago
i say this as if you are by my side, i want to belive you are there... nobody in this whole world... (forgiving your mother and father and any/other family or friends, of whom i was unable to meet or know) could love you more than i do. I really feel you were, and still are a formidable soul, one of which i am tremendously proud of. One of which i have drawn an amazing amount of strength.from, and one of which i can truely depend on. I literaly feel the strength and passion you felt throughout your life, serging through my vains. I AM WALTER FRANCIS CAFFREY'S daughter. This man has taught me more than anyone would like to think they tought me... HAHAHA! Dad u were right, u were a worlock, still are a worlock, and i wouldnt want to be anyone elses daughter but yours....I BLOODY LOVE YOU! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX